WISA-Trans is a multilayer laminated plywood panel with a slip resistant pattern. The product is intended for use as flooring in the transport industry i.e. trucks and trailers, horse boxes and railway wagons, but also building applications such as warehouses and loading platforms. WISA-Trans is an excellent material for technical flooring applications. Its special wear resistant coating prolongs the service life of the flooring made of WISA-Trans.
Multilayer laminated flooring panel
Improved wear resistance
Slip resistant surface
Railway wagons
Loading platforms
Surface and edges
Face: Brown (about RAL 8017) phenolic resin impregnated multi-layer laminate with hot pressed high-friction pattern.
Reverse: Imprinted phenolic moisture barrier.
Edge protection: Acryl-based paint.
Panel size
Standard dimensions:
1200/1220/1250/1500/1525 x 2400/2440/2500/3000/3050 mm
The largest standard size 1525 x 3660 mm
Performance Class
Biological durability; for use as a structural component in exterior conditions including liquid water or water vapour in damp but ventilated locations in accordance with EN 636-3 S.
Please forward CAD/ Drawing for quotation.